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 发布日期:2016-06-28 15:34:33  文章来源:  浏览次数:
CCPIT U.S.-China Trade Remedies Briefing
美国奥斯顿律师事务所  北京市高朋律师事务所







Anti-Circumvention Inquiry on Aluminum Extrusions: The Department of Commerce (DOC) is initiating an anti-circumvention inquiry to determine whether extruded aluminum products exported by China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd. and its affiliates (collectively, Zhongwang) are circumventing the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders on aluminum extrusions from the People's Republic of China. (A-570-967/C-570-968)

Status Updates:


Cold-Rolled Steel Flat Products: The ITC has announced the scheduling of the final phase of CVD and AD duty investigations on certain cold-rolled steel flat products from China, the first hearing for which will be held on 5/24/16, with requests to appear due by 5/18/16. The DOC had previously preliminarily determined that the products in question are being, or are likely to be, sold at less than fair value in the U.S. (701-TA-540-544 and 731-TA-1283-1287, 1289-1290)
Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip: The ITC has determined that there is reasonable indication of material injury for U.S. industry by imports of stainless steel sheet and strip from China due to the imports allegedly being sold at less than fair value and being subsidized by the Chinese government. Final determination by the DOC are forthcoming (701-TA-557 and 731-TA-1312)
New Phase on 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethan (R-134a): ITC has announced the institution of the less than fair value investigation, the latest phase in its antidumping duty (AD) investigation of 1,1,1,2- Tetrafluoroethan (R-134a) from China. A preliminary determination will be reached by 4/18/16. (731-TA-1313)
1,1,1,2-四氟乙烷 (R-134a)案的新阶段:美国国际贸易委员会宣布,已启动针对来自中国的1,1,1,2-四氟乙烷(R-134a)的反倾销调查最新阶段,即该产品是否以低于正常价值的价格在美国销售之调查。初裁将于2016年4月18日做出。(相关案件编号:731-TA-1313)
Truck and Bus Tires: The ITC has announced the postponement of preliminary determinations in the CVD investigation of truck and bus tires from China after the petitioner submitted a timely request for extension due to the number and nature of subsidy programs under investigation. (701-TA-556 and 731-TA-1311)



No 337 Violations Found in Brewing Capsules Case: The ITC has announced the termination of investigation 337-TA-929 regarding certain beverage brewing capsules, components thereof, and products containing the same. The complaint alleged violation of Section 337 by the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain beverage brewing capsules, components thereof, and products containing the same that infringe.




Opportunity to Request:


Beginning 4/1/2016 and ending 4/30/26 the following investigations involving AD/CVD orders on Chinese products will be eligible for administrative review:



·         Activated Carbon, A-570-904
·         Drawn Stainless Steel Sinks, A-570-983
·         Magnesium Metal, A-570-896
·         Non-Malleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings, A-570-875
·         Steel Threaded Rod, A-570-932



·         Drawn Stainless Steel Sinks, C-570-984
In addition, the following administrative reviews involving products from China with January 2015 request deadlines were requested and subsequently initiated:



·         Fresh Garlic, A-570-831
·         Multilayered Wood Flooring, A-570-970
·         Potassium Permanganate, A-570-001
·         Wooden Bedroom Furniture, A-570-890



·         Calcium Hypochlorite, C-570-009



Freshwater Crawfish Tail Meat: The DOC announced the recession of their administrative review of the AD order on freshwater crawfish tail meat from China (A-570-848) due to the petitioners withdrawing their requests.
Amended Final Results on Aluminum Extrusions: The DOC has published an amendment to final results from its administrative review of CVD duties concluded in December. The amendment corrects the net subsidy rates for the JANGHO Companies, non-selected cooperative respondents, and companies for which they applied total adverse facts available in the final results. (C-570-068)
关于铝型材产品案最终结果的修订:针对结束于去年12月份的相应反补贴行政复审最终结果,美国商务部进行了修订。该次修订修正了JANGUO Companies、未被抽中的合作应诉方、以及在最终结果中适用了全部可获得的不利事实的企业的净补贴幅度。(相关案件编号:C-570-068)

Sunset and Five-Year Reviews





Aluminum Extrusions: The ITC is initiating a five-year review on certain aluminum extrusion from China (701-TA-475 and 731-TA-1177). Interested parties must submit a response before 5/2/16.
铝型材:美国国际贸易委员会正开始启动针对源自中国的铝型材的日落复审。(案件编号:701-TA-475 and 731-TA-1177)利益各方必须于2016年5月2日前提交答复。
Petroleum Wax Candles: The ITC have notice of the scheduling of an expedited five-year review on the AD order on petroleum wax candles from China, the fourth such review (731-TA-282). Interested parties have until 4/6/16 to submit comments.



The following five-year/sunset reviews resulted in the continuation of AD/CVD duties (may overlap with administrative reviews):
·         Potassium Permanganate, A-570-001
·         Petroleum Wax Candles, A-570-504

Other News of Note:


The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, in conjunction with U.S. commodity groups, has begun to scrutinize domestic agriculture subsidies provided by countries such as China and India, while also exploring options for remedial action through the WTO. USTR Chief Agricultural Negotiator Darci Vetter was quoted by Inside US Trade as expressing particular dissatisfaction with the amount of wheat and rice subsidies being provided to producers in the two aforementioned countries, and saying specifically that the U.S. is “willing to use all the tools at our disposal” to counteract these subsidies. Domestic producers have been exerting pressure on the Obama administration to pursue remedial measure through the WTO or raise the issue during bilateral negotiations.
美国贸易代表办公室,连同美国消费品组织,已经开始了针对中国和印度的国内农业补贴的调查。同时,他们也在考虑通过WTO进行救济。Inside US Trade引用美国贸易代表办公室首席农业谈判代表Darci Vetter的发言表达了对中、印两国小麦和大米补贴数量的不满,并特别称:美国“将非常乐意使用一切手段”反制上述补贴。美国国内生产者也已向奥巴马政府施压,要求通过WTO采取救济措施或在双边谈判中提出该议题。
A growing number of companies in the U.S. steel industry are calling for imposition of a Section 201, which would impose temporary tariffs and is seen domestically as a dramatic measure that would require significant government and industry resources to implement. This comes in the lead-up to an April 12th hearing concerning the difficulties facing the U.S. steel industry. More details can be found in the American Metal Market article attached to this briefing.
越来越多的美国钢铁企业要求启用涉及征收临时关税的201条款。该条款在美国国内被视为需要大量政府及行业资源以实施的重大措施。有关议题也将在4月12日召开的关于美国钢铁行业所面临之困难的听证会中提出。更多内容请参阅附于此简报的美国金属市场(American Metal Market)的文章
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission held an open public hearing on 3/31/16. The topic of the hearing was “China and the U.S. Rebalance to Asia.” Per the Commission’s notice in the Federal Register:
This is the fourth public hearing the Commission will hold during its 2016 report cycle to collect input from academic, industry, and government experts on national security implications of the U.S. bilateral trade and economic relationship with China. This hearing will examine the origins, implementation, and impacts of the U.S. “Rebalance to Asia” strategy, now in its fourth year. It will assess the reactions of China and other regional countries to the Rebalance, and evaluate areas of strength and weakness. The hearing will also explore what objectives and policies will best serve U.S. regional interests moving into a new Administration. The hearing will be co-chaired by Vice Chairman Carolyn Bartholomew and Senator James Talent. Any interested party may file a written statement by March 31, 2016, by mailing to the contact below. A portion of each panel will include a question and answer period between the Commissioners and the witnesses.
此次听证会系美中经济与安全审查委员会在其2016报告年度内所举行的第四次公开听证。目的是就美、中双边经贸关系对国家安全的影响,从学术界、产业界及政府方面的专家们手中取得相关意见。此次听证会将检视已实施四年的美国“亚洲再平衡”战略的起源、实施及影响。听证会将评估中国及区域内其他国家对该政策的反应,以及该政策的优势、劣势。听证会也将探讨在政府过渡时期可以为美国在该地区的利益提供最好服务的目标以及政策。此次听证会将由委员会副主席Carolyn Bartholomew以及参议员James Talent共同主持。任何利益相关方可于2016年3月31日前,通过向下述联系人寄送邮件的形式,提交一份书面陈述。每个专家组的每个部分都将包含一个委员会成员与证人之间的问答时间。